Economic Analysis of Law:
Whiteboards and Recordings
Second Week--Externalities: Class
1 Class 2 (started
recorder late)
Third Week: Class 1
Class 2
Fourth Week: Class 1 (forgot to record), Class 2
Fifth Week: Class 1 Class 2
Sixth Week: Class
Seventh Week (Property): Class
Eighth Week (Property): Class 1
Ninth Week: (Contract) Class 1
Class 2
Tenth Week: (Family) Class 1
Class 2
Eleventh Week (Tort) Class
Twelfth Week (Crime): Class1 Class2 (some antitrust)
Thirteenth Week (Antitrust) Class
Fourteenth Week (Other Paths) Class
Second Week: Class 2
Third Week: Class 1(common
pool oil drilling)
Fourth Week: Class 1 Utility
function for lottery insurance puzzle, Moral Hazard costs and adverse selection
Fifth Week: Value of life and
negative life insurance
Eighth Week: Land with Easement
Doctor and Candy Factory
Tenth Week: Marriage Market
Thirteenth Week?: Consumer
and Producer Surplus
Fourteenth Week: Inefficiency
of Private Enforcement as per Landes and Posner