Irish Law


Source: Fergus Kelly, A Guide to Early Irish Law

Will be on reserve.


Assignment: Preface, Chapters 7 and 8.


Very brief outline of the information in the book.


v   Tuath: Tribe or petty kingdom, ~150 of them, average population  ~3000

v   Status: Nemed (privileged), freeman, unfree

¯    Honor price is linked to status, is the wergeld if you are killed but many other things too.

¯    Affects your ability to contract, serve as surety, pledge, give an oath.

v   Fine: Kin-group--descendants through the male line of the same great grandfather.

¯    Some land held in common by kin group

¯    Some common responsibility for crimes and debts of members,

¤      Who must make it good to those who pay

¤      On pain of expulsion

¤      And loss of much of their legal rights

¯    Group has a claim to wergeld for members, obligation to pursue feud if not paid

¯    Some ability to cancel contracts by other members of the group

¯    One representative chosen by the kin to act for them

v   Maternal vs paternal kin

¯    WomanÕs tie to her kin after marriage depends on the details

¤      Weaker the more official the marriage

á      Chief wife vs secondary wife

á      Married with permission of her kin vs not

¤      Weaker if she has sons

¤      Stronger if  her husband is low status

¯    Tie to maternal kin means

¤      Share of inheritance,

¤      Share of wergeld,

¤      Obligation to pay fines incurred by members of the maternal kin

¤      control over and responsibility for children

v   Lord/Client: A separate structure of mutual obligation. Lord might also be kin.

¯    Lord advances fief

¤      Land or

¤      Cows or

¤      É

¯    client owes obligations

¤      food rent

¤      military service

¤      labor service

¤      É

¯    One man can be the client of multiple lords, with a smaller fiefs from the second, still smaller from the third..

¯    Base client. The lowest class of lord must have at least five of them

¤      Terminable by the client only with a substantial penalty

¤      Penalty the other way if terminated by lord. But É

¤      After seven years, fief becomes clientÕs on death of lord

¯    Free client. Also five required for the lowest class of lord.

¤      Terminable by the client with no penalty--may be equal of lord

¤      Pays a higher rent than a base client

¤      After 7 years he must return number of cows equal to original fief (but no rent)

¤      Fief goes back to the lordÕs heirs on his death

¯    Fuidir: Semi-freeman

¤      Maintained by the lord, who is liable for his fines

¤      Obligated to work for the lord

¤      Lord received fines owed to his fuidir

¤      Some fuidir may freely terminate relations, lower status ones not.

¤      Fuidir apparently are men no longer in kin groups

¤      After three generations the fuidir can no longer terminate the relationship.

v   Briugu

¯    Rich non-lord who has lordly status--and the obligation of unlimited hospitality.

v   Poets are high status (nemed), have rights outside their tuath (most other people don't), possibly play a role in the law

v   Judges:

¯    Each king has an official one, who perhaps judges all disputes in the tuath?

¤      Judge must post a pledge for the truth of his judgement

¤      Owes damages for a false judgement.

¤      Collects damages for a false charge of false judgement

¯    Other lawyers perhaps live on fees from arbitrating disputes?

¯    And others represent clients in disputes.

v   Craftsmen, professionals, some have their own honor price--harper, for instance. Smith, wright.

v   Servants: Honor price depends on that of their master

v   People without independent legal capacity

¯    Women (with some exceptions)

¤      Subject to father, husband, son, a few limited forms of independent action

¤      Polygyny, range of forms of marriage

á      Depending on who contributes how much property and

á      Whose kin do or do not assent

á      And É

¯    Children

¤      Responsibility for them depends on how marriage occurred and status of parents

¤      Fosterage very common

á      Payment to foster parents

á      Up to 14-17.

á      Relationship permanent. Fosterfather has claim to a share of wergeld, obligations to revenge

¯    slaves, insane, unransomed captive, É

v   Property

¯    Land either

¤      Belonged to the kin group, use divided among members

¤      Private, obtained with own money

á      If money was made off kin land, large fraction of the private land eventually goes to kin when the owner dies

á      If made off oneÕs skills, a smaller fraction but still some

á      Can only alienate a fraction, or with permission of the king group?

¤      Common waste: Anyone could hunt, gather wood, etc.

¤      On the other two kinds, very limited rights of third parties, neighbors.

¯    Lost property--share of it went to finder, depending on where it was found. Compare to the Islamic.

v   Killing or wounding

¯    Compensated with money like wergeld, but

¤      Fixed sum for any freeman (to his kin)

¤      Plus amounts to relatives depending on their honor price and relationship.

¤      Secret killing doubles the fine

¯    Injust injury short of death requires sick-maintainance

¤      Medical care and support

¤      Including support for a suitable retinue!

¤      And a substitute to do the work of the injured person

¤      And additional payment if reproduction is hindered because separated from his wife

¤      And fine for any injury--depending on injury and status of victim

¤      And additional fine for any lasting injury--crippling, say

¤      By (maybe) 700 A.D., sick maintanance was replaced by payment

¯    Satire

¤      Unjustified requires payment of honor price--or perhaps praise to compensate

¤      Justified is a legitimate way of punishing someone who deserves it

¯    Refusal of hospitality tortious if hospitality is owed--which depends on wealth and relationship

¯    Violation of protection tortious

¤      Can give protection, depending on oneÕs status, to equals or inferiors for some time

¤      Killing or injuring one under protection entails a fine to the protector as well as any other legal consequences

¤      Permanent protection over freemanÕs house and environs, killing or injuring anyone there is violation of protection (like violating the kingÕs peace? Anglo-Saxon law)

¯    Theft. Penalty to owner and to the person whose property it was on, related to honor price.

¯    Penalty for observing a crime and not trying to stop, if a man could stop

¯    Fine obligations die with you, as does the ability to reclaim borrowed property. There are some exceptions.

v   Contracts. On many things. Secular ones are usually oral.

¯    Honor price restrictions.

¤      Cannot independently contract for more than your honor price--can with kin permission?

¤      Can serve as a witness or surety only up to your honor price.

¤      Which means that a higher status person can "overswear" a lower status!

¯    There are limits to your ability to contract based on other obligations

¤      Cannot make a contract that impinges on obligations to kin or others

á      Son can void fatherÕs sale if it reduces ability his to support son

á      Woman can donate property she produced to the church--but not if it leaves her relatives obliged to pay her debts.

á      Husband or wife can void some contracts by the other, depending on subject of contract and nature of relationship

á      Kin group can dissolve contract that could make them liable for losses

¤      Rather like Jewish law, where property gets sold subject to a lien for seller's debts

¯    Most contracts are unenforceable if there are no sureties.

¯    Pledge: Thing of value deposited to guarantee performance

¤      Sometimes pledges in both directions! Working like a hostage?

¤      Fore-pledge before issue arises--by beekeeper against offenses by bees

¤      Or by judge in case his judgement found to be wrong.

¤      Can give a pledge on behalf of someone else--and collect interest

¯    Sureties

¤      Rath surety guarantees someone elseÕs contractual performance--can do so up to his own honor price

á      If principal defaults, Rath must give a pledge and, eventually, pay

á      He then has a claim to be more than reimbursed by his principal.

á      If more guarantee is needed, the main surety guarantees 2/3, back surety 1/3

¤      Naidm has obligation and right to force principal to fulfill contract

á      including by violence; owes his own honor price if he fails.

á      Possibly one Naidm for principal, one for Rath?

¤      Hostage surety

á      Pledges to surrender himself if the principal defaults

á      Prisoner for ten days, during which can be redeemed by principal paying

á      After he is a captive, must ransome himself (7 cumhal)

á      In either case, principal owes him compensation after.

¯    Hostages: Held by king to guarantee allegiance

¤      If authority of king flouted, hostages forfeit

¤      May be executed, blinded, ransomed--for no fixed amount

¤      May also be held by king, used to guarantee other contracts? Details not clear.

¯    Distraint and Legal Entry (You will read this chapter)

¯    Procedure (You will read this chapter)

¯    Punishment

¤      Almost all crimes can be attoned for by payment--as in Iceland

¤      If the defendant cannot or will not pay É

á      Someone else can pay for him

á      Or he can be sold into slavery

á      Or killed

¤      Setting adrift

á      Typically, but not always, for a woman (because reluctant to kill?)

á      A woman who commits murder or arson or breaks into a church

á      Set adrift in an offshore wind with one paddle and a vessel of gruel

á      Judgement is left to God

á      One source gives this as the punishment for kin-slaying (by a man, presumably)

¤      Outlawry.

á      Means deprivation of legal rights

á      For a variety of crimes

á      Must be proclaimed first

á      And may be ended if he can atone for his offense.


The remaining chapters are on law texts and law schools.