[note: The current edition of the Miscellany is webbed in pdf format; an earlier edition of the Miscellany is webbed in HTML format, as is the poetry .]

Miscellany: Table of Contents



Introduction 1

Sources for Ingredients 3

Cinnamons 3

Murri and Byzantine Murri 3

Other Minor Points 5

Pie Crust Recipe 6

Sourdough 6

Almond Milk 6

Onion Juice 7

Andalusian Meatballs 7

Bread 8

Vegetables 9

Islamic Dishes

With vegetables 17

Without (Much) Vegetables 34

Seafood 47

Soups 50

Poultry 54

Meat Dishes 61

Meat, Cheese and Egg Pies 71

Desserts, Appetisers, Etc. 77

Drinks 103

Sauces 105

Miscellaneous 107

Index of Recipes 111

Cooking From Primary Sources: 114

Some General Comments

Tourney and War Food 115

Creative Medieval Cooking 116

Period, Ethnic, and Traditional 116

Late Period and Out of Period Foodstuffs 117


Articles Written in Persona

Concerning Gemstones 124

Concerning Trees and Their Fruit 130

Some Receyptes 132

Some Receyts 135

Norse Riddles 137

Concerning the Archery of al-Islam 138

Concerning Knighthood 141

Finding a Name 142


Articles About Persona

Concerning a Dream 145

Staying in Persona and Other Things: 146

an Opinion

The Little Things 149

Some Tricks 151

Some Sources for Islamic Persona 152

Adjusting to Reality 155

A Dying Dream 156

The Enchanted Ground: A Progress Report 159

Concerning Consistency or Ignorance is Bliss 161


Matters of Opinion

In Defense of Authenticity 164

Concerning Contests 166

Concerning the C in SCA 168

The Bardic Arts: A Comment 169

No Audience 171

Peers Errant 172

Medieval vs Medievalish 174

Period Solutions 175

The Royal Tale of Atlantia 177

Words and Things 178

Two Hundred of Your Closest Friends 180

I Have Seen the Past--And It Works 182

A Letter 184

Decentralization, Democracy, and all That 187

How Another Hobby is Organized 190

Another Sort of Letter 193

Jokes 193


Other Articles

Building a Conjecturally Period Pavillion 194

Conjecturally Authentic Furniture 204

To Prepare a Most Honorable Feast 208

To Make a Feast 211

An Islamic Dinner 216

A Dinner at Pennsic 219

A Jewelers Bibliography 220

Books on Metalworking 222

Shield and Weapon Weights 223

Period Sources for Story Telling 227

Concerning Heraldic Devices and Arms 230

Notes on Islamic Clothing 232

The Perfect Armor 240

Perfect Armor Part II: Water Hardened Leather 251

Closed Form Heater: A Voice from A.S. IV 253


Poetry and Stories

Quest for a Kingdom 263

Gesta Gugliemi (part 2) 264

Gesta Gugliemi (part 3) 265

Two Voices 266

Hildebrandslied 267

The Merry Holt 268

The Bee's Tale 268

Two Provençal Poems 270

The Froggy Woods 271

Two Poems in Praise of the Ladies of Caid 272

XIII 273

Fly Dragon Fly 273

A Pennsic Tale 274

A Song in Praise of the Warriors 275

of the Middle Kingdom

The Ansteorran Tale 275

Limericks 276

The Devil and Eugénie 278

Barak's Song 278

Trouble on the Field 279

The Maple Tree 279

Verses in Honor of Shaugn Rubaru 280

Twelve Days of Battle 280

The New Order 281

Old Things

A Report, in Verse 282

Verses Prepared by the Ambassador 283

of the Middle

A Brother's Tale 284

Pennsic I: Before the Battle 285

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